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1933 1987 1999 2001 2012 2014 2016 2020 2022 202223 2023 2024 2324 480p 49ers 7187 abha abilities account action adalah adobe adrien advanced aeon aeons affordable africa after against agents aires airport ajax akihabara aktienkurs aktuell aktuelle akwasi albums alchemy alert allen allevi american amsterdam anatomy anderson android animal animated animation anime announces anthony apartments apple apprentice arnett arsenal astros Athletic atletico atunde available avalanche away axialgelenk ayatollah baby background bacon baldurs ball ballet banana band banging bangladesh banks barca Barcelona barcola barrier basketball bath battle bayern beach beckham beginnings beige bella benchmarks bennion benoit Berlin besitzer best beta bilbao bild bills billy biological bitcoin bites blackpool blood borussia boston botaniker bournemouth bowl bowles braverman breaking breaks bronx brooklyn brother brownstone brownstones bruins bryce buckets buenos build bully burrowing camel canada canadian cancer candle canvas captivating card cardinals career carlos carofiglio cars cartoon casapound celebrated celine center central century chair champions characters chart cheifs chelsea chiarello chiuaua chris christian circle city code coinmarketcap college coloring colors combat comedian comedic coming community comprehensive concept concert concussion condo content contract cooper corinthians coupons covenant crafts creates cryptocurrency dame danse darts date dated dates davos deep definition denis denji departure desert desertion deshaun design details deutsch deutschland development deventer deviled diplomatic disappointing distancia diverse dollar dolphins donne dortmund down download draft dragon draw drive dunk duramax eagerly early earthquake ebayca edition edwards effortless eggs electrical element elements eligibility elon ends engined england english enschede erfahrungen espn essentials estate euro europe european evan events every evil exceptional exciting exclusive 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kaiserslautern kansas khamenei kick killers kiss know koordinaten lange latest launch lawrence lead leader league legacy legend leicester letter level liberty life lillard line list litter little live liverpool lives livescore llama loan lobotomy logo lord love lugares lumin luton lynja lyrics madrid magnolia mahomes make makeup malattia management manchester manga manhattan many maps marathi maresciallo margot market married marshes master match matrimonio mavericks mayo mayotte mcilroy meaning measurements mediathek meeting mesa metaflow mets mexico miami michael michigan milwaukee mobalytics mohammed moon motion motivational motives motorcycle movie msft much multiclass munich musical musks mystery naija names napoli nassr national necklace network nevada newcastle news nicholas nieuws nike nikki ninja nueva nuggets nunl nvda nvidia obituary occasion odor odorheiu odyssey oled online order outfit outfits overview ozone packers pads pagasa pages palisade panel panthers paradise 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American Actor And Comedian Woody Allen

American Actor and Comedian Woody Allen

Early Life and Career

WEB Heywood Allen (born Allan Stewart Konigsberg on November 30, 1935) is an American actor, comedian, and filmmaker whose career spans over six decades. Born in The Bronx, New York, Allen began his career writing jokes for television and stand-up comedy routines. He made his film debut in 1965 with the comedy "What's New Pussycat?"

Notable Accomplishments

Allen has directed, written, and acted in numerous films, including "Annie Hall" (1977), "Manhattan" (1979), and "Hannah and Her Sisters" (1986). He has received multiple Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for "Annie Hall."
